Do you want to give your bathroom a new look? Or does your ceiling show discolorations after years of exposure to moisture and condensation? Then you are probably thinking about replacing your bathroom ceiling. A false ceiling is an ideal solution for this. We will go over 2 options here: stretch ceilings and ceilings in gyprock. What’s the best choice? And what does it cost to replace the ceiling in your bathroom?
OPTION 1: replace bathroom ceiling with stretch ceiling
A stretch ceiling is a false ceiling. The banner itself consists of PVC or polyester that professionally stretches between your walls using profiles.
What kind of stretch ceiling is in the bathroom?
In principle, you can install any type of stretch ceiling in the bathroom. You usually have a choice of 2 options:
PVC stretch ceiling: a PVC cloth is first heated to 40 to 50°C. This makes the material flexible and can be easily stretched. That is why we also speak of a ‘warm stretch ceiling’.
Polyester stretch ceiling: this type can also be found under the name ‘cold stretch ceiling’. This refers to the method in which the ceiling is placed. In this case, the fabric is tightly rolled up in the profiles. Compared to the warm stretch ceiling, this is done at room temperature.
Why choose a stretch ceiling?
With a stretch ceiling, you can choose from a wide range of designs: matte, gloss, metallic, printed, with relief, … There is a suitable design available for every living style. Do you have a very specific preference? Then you can perfectly have a fabric made to measure. A stretch ceiling can usually handle large spans. PVC in particular is a good choice for this. With this material, you can easily go 5 meters wide without the different seams being noticeable. The result is a sleek and seamless-looking whole. Do you want a quick, dust-free renovation? Then a stretch ceiling is an ideal choice. Usually, a professional installs your suspended ceiling in just 1 day. Moreover, you do not need any further finishing. You immediately enjoy a brand-new bathroom ceiling without painting or plastering. A stretch ceiling is also ideal in the bathroom. It has moisture-resistant properties, does not mold, and is completely resistant to condensation. You can also incorporate lighting elements, ventilation ducts, and grilles without any problems.
OPTION 2: replace bathroom ceiling with gyprock ceiling
We are all familiar with the typical white plasterboard. They are user-friendly, hard plates that can be used for countless applications in the home, such as front and partition walls and ceilings.
What kind of gyprock ceiling is in the bathroom?
Traditional plasterboard is less suitable for use in humid areas. Gypsum and cardboard are both materials with a low degree of moisture resistance. To deal with this problem, the manufacturer developed water-resistant drywall. You can recognize them by their green color and the label ‘WR’ (Water Repellent). WR-gyproc also consists of plaster and cardboard but is finished with an impregnating agent. This prevents the material from absorbing moisture. Please note that this is not the best choice for rooms with a constant high humidity level (e.g. indoor swimming pools). However, rooms with varying humidity levels (eg bathrooms) are not a problem.
Suspended or self-supporting gyprock ceiling?
A false ceiling with gyprock ceiling plates can be attached under the ceiling in 2 ways:
Suspended Ceiling: This type of ceiling is attached to the ceiling structure above via ceiling hangers. A structure consisting of a grid of rails will be attached to those ceiling hangers. The gyproc plates are clicked into that grid.
Cantilevered ceiling: what is different about this type of ceiling? This is not hung directly on the existing construction but clamped between the walls of the room. This makes a suspension system superfluous. This solution is especially suitable for smaller spaces.
PLEASE NOTE: ceiling hangers are not only the basic support structure for gyprock plates, but other ceiling elements can also be clicked into them. Just think of slats, aluminum ceiling plates, and wooden shelves, …
Why choose a gyprock ceiling?
Gyproc has been installed quickly thanks to its generally large dimensions. In addition, the light version is ideal for ceilings that can support less weight. All that needs to be done is to place a supporting structure between the supporting walls of the room (if you choose a suspended ceiling).
Do you want a wide choice of finishing options? Then gyprock is a good choice. After installation, you can still finish your ceiling according to your choice. Just think of moisture-resistant paint, special wallpaper, … You can even tile gyprock.
Gyproc offers the possibility to span large surfaces, for which a suspended gyprock ceiling is the solution. Is it a small bathroom? Then you don’t even need a supporting structure. In this case, you opt for a cantilevered ceiling.
TIP: It is also possible to provide your ceiling with insulation without insulating plasterboard. In this case, a professional places insulation material between the false ceiling and the original ceiling. The result? A remarkable reduction in noise pollution and heat loss.
Choose a stretch ceiling if you… are looking for a cheap, fast, and dust-free solution to give your bathroom ceiling a completely new look. You can usually enjoy your new ceiling within 1 day! want a maintenance-friendly bathroom ceiling. You can simply clean a stretched ceiling with a soft cloth, some water, and detergent. want a unique custom ceiling that meets your aesthetic requirements. There is no ceiling as smooth as a taut ceiling cloth. want to bridge large spans seamlessly. Stretch ceilings are ideal for large(r) spaces (up to approx. 5 meters).
Opt for a false ceiling in gyproc if you… you want a specific ceiling covering. Just think of wooden shelves, metal slats, … or a lick of moisture-resistant paint in a special color. remember to replace your bathroom ceiling yourself as an experienced do-it-yourselfer. The handy rail system makes installing gyproc ceiling panels that little bit easier. you are looking for the cheapest solution. Gyproc plates are usually large, so you need less to renew your ceiling. Don’t forget, however, that you still have to finish your plates.